1-1 Sessions

1-1 Sessions

Working With Me 1-1

The set up I have is unusual because my experience and expertise span across different disciplines and approaches. This is because I think the human body, and fertility particularly is very complex, so can respond to many different things. 

Restricting the approach to only one ideology such as Western Medicine means we may not get the full picture of what's going on and what needs to happen. 

Every approach has limitations in its model and diagnostics. What I have found to be of MOST value and to get the best results (i.e of course you just want to finally have your baby in your arms) is to bring in the relevant parts of VARIOUS approaches and tailor them to each unique couple. 

Initial Consultation 

This is a 1-2 hour session and includes a follow up plan, and if in person a hands on treatment if that feels right. For many women this is all they need. For others, we have more sessions together along the way just as and when needed. 

We meet either in person or online and whilst you are telling me all about  your story, I will be running all the information through my mind from every possible angle and approach. 

I will ask you questions along the way so I can come to understand everything that is and could be happening. Questions no doctor will ever have asked you, yet may well hold the key to figuring out your answers. 

I have learned that we must view the body with the deepest respect for the unique layers that have created infertility in the first place. 

My aim is to work out the fastest and gentlest way to help you conceive.  

Whether that route is highly medical, more natural, spiritual or a combination of all three I will use my extensive clinical knowledge and experience, together with my deepest intuition to help you put the pieces together. 

It may also be that you aren't even sure if you are trying to conceive anymore. You may want support to work out how you feel, or navigate a heavy feeling decision. I am here to hold that space and help you find your way. 

Once we have had our session together, I create a personalised comprehensive plan explaining all my recommendations. These will honour your fertility goals as well as include bespoke resources for your emotional / mental health. 

Below is a list of the sorts of things I do and draw upon during a session. 

What can I do? 

  • Full clinical review (Looking at your physical health / fertility health and any tests or treatments you have had or may need to have). This can also include looking at diagnostics, blood test results, IVF treatment plans or reviewing why an IVF cycle didn't go well for example.
  • Menstrual cycle check up - The body reveals many clues about what it may be struggling with by the way your cycle behaves and the way you bleed. These elements are typically not taken into account with initial blood tests or at IVF clinics but there are many things to learn and work from, many of which are very helpful in unexplained infertility and recurrent IVF failure.
  • Coaching / Counselling , Hypnotherapy & Personalised Meditation tracks
  • Tailored fertility lifestyle support and advice - including Nutrition / Supplements 
  • Fertility Reflexology
  • Spiritual Counselling
  • Reiki for relaxation & healing
  • Grief support  
  • Specific care for: PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Polyps, fibroids, Male Factor Infertility, Unexplained Infertility, Tubal issues, Recurrent Miscarriage, IVF optimisation, IVF debrief and exploration of why a cycle may not have worked, Donor IVF, Secondary Infertility,  Exploring other options such as adoption & surrogacy, 



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